Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Lesson 18 - Taking initial pictures for the front cover photoshoot

23rd Novemeber

In this lesson, I went to a studio in school to take some preliminary shots. This was so that I could see how the lighting would come out in the pictures and what poses I would like for the front cover.  Here are some of the images that I took:

This is one of the first shots I took so I could work out from the lighting where I would want the character to stand. There is quite a big shadow here, therefore I would need to re-arrange the lights.

In the next few pictures I took I got the character to pose as in my questionnaire, I found out that the readers would prefer to see a posed photoshoot on the front cover.  The interview of this magazine with this character would be generalised on the artist's upcoming music, therefore I had her pose as if she was having fun at a concert.  I made sure that the picture was taken in a portrait way so that it would be useful for the front cover. However, I may use a landscape version of this image in my magazine instead. I also edited the picture to make it look different:

In this picture, the exposure was high and the the studio lights flashed along with the camera taking the photo.
decided to edit the picture as I liked the facial expression that Amy was pulling here. I thought that it would be better if it was a close up shot of her face so I could include it somewhere in the magazine:

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Lesson 17 - Initial designs for my music magazine

19th November

In this lesson, I started drawing out some designs for my music magazine that are seen below:

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Lesson 16 - Analysing the results of my questionnaire

16th November

In this lesson I went through all of the questionnaires that I gave out and analysed the information I obtained.

The most popular colour that the people chose for the music magazine were red and black.  They also believed that the main focus of the interview with the characters from the front cover will be the artist's upcoming gigs, rather than their background life and information. 
 The cost shall be between £2.00 and £2.99. The main features in this order will be band/artists reviews then upcoming gigs, discounts of gigs and albums, gig reviews and venue reviews.
On the front cover of the magazine, the band/artist will have a posed photoshoot. The magazine will also be produced weekly. After having an equal idea of whether to have the magazine targeted at one gender, I decided that I will target the magazine for the female gender only.